

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chocolate Butterfly Cakes

Well I guess your'e wondering why you haven't seen a post in five or six months and two in one day, but after my early morning baking frenzy it was a too good a opportunity to miss, to post about my exploits the reasons for not posting is too boring to even list. I always need true inspiration to be able to blog and today I feel really inspired and on fire the reasons for which I'm not sure but I hope to continue the trend.

So let's do it the second in my series of blogs on trying to give you the recipes to be able to create your own spectacular afternoon tea party this is a real classic Chocolate butterfly cake this one can't be omitted for sure you can clearly see they are missing in this picture of Kate and Wills  cupcakes stand as part of a afternoon tea in New Zealand, I believe they are still feeling the repercussions of this.No sorry only joking.


125g /4 1/2 oz soft tub margarine
125g /4 1/2 oz caster sugar
150g /5 1/2 oz self-raising flour
2 large eggs
2 tbsp cocoa powder
25g /1 oz plain chocolate, melted
icing sugar, sifted, for dusting

85g /3 oz butter, softened
175g /6 oz icing sugar
25g /1 oz plain chocolate, melted


1.Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Put 12 paper baking cases in a bun tray, or put 12 double-layer paper cases on a baking tray.

2.Put the margarine, sugar, flour, eggs and cocoa powder in a large bowl and, using an electric hand whisk, beat together until just smooth. Beat in the melted chocolate. Spoon the mixture into the paper cases, filling them three-quaters full.

3.Bake the cupcakes in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, or until springy to the touch. Transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool.

4.To make the filling, put the butter in a bowl and beat until fluffy. Sift in the icing sugar and beat together until smooth. Add the melted chocolate and beat together until well mixed.

5.When the cupcakes are cold, use a sharp knife to cut a circle from the top of each cake and then cut each circle in half. Spread or pipe a little of the butter cream into the centre of each cupcake and press 2 semi-circular halves into it at an angle to resemble butterfly wings. Dust with sifted icing sugar before serving.

Macs tip

When cutting the tops use the sharpest knife possible to get a crisp finish not a serrated knife that will only give a jagged edge.

Chocolate facts

In 1502, Columbus and his son, Ferdinand, were in the area, doing the usual conquering and such, when they came across a dugout canoe laden with supplies. They promptly captured it and ordered the natives to carry the loot on board their ship. In the process, somebody spilled some cacao, and the natives ran for the beans “as if an eye had fallen from their heads,” according to Ferdinand. Columbus could have been known as the first white guy to “discover” chocolate, but he blew his chance to make chocolate history by forgetting all about the incident.

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