Sunday, June 3, 2012

Official Diamond Jubilee cake(Not Chocolate)

As many of you will already know this weekend we will be celebrating the Queens Diamond Jubilee.Well as I did a feature on the wedding of Wills and Kate and the wonderful cakes that were made for them I decided to scour the web in the hope that a chocolate cake had been made to commemorate this great event and occasion.To no avail I'm afraid to say!  However I felt I could not let this Cake slip by unnoticed even though it is not chocolate.This is the Official Diamond jubilee Cake created by the instructors at the Defence Food Services at Worthy Down,and was presented to Queen as the official Diamond Jubilee Cake at a event on May 19th at Windsor castle.The cake itself has taken over 6 weeks and 500 hours to make it weighs around 154lb or 70kg.The crown is made entirely of sugar,and the cake itself reflects the Silver,Golden and Diamond jubilees,the Royal Navy, the Army and Royal Air Force.For any of you that ever worked with pasttilage  I am sure you will appreciate the work that has gone into this cake. I am only sorry I was unable to find out any more about the cake or indeed a chocolate cake made for the Queens Diamond Jubilee I have however posted the link to the gallery showing the making of this cake and the intricate work involved so with that I will leave you now to celebrate the Jubilee weekend in your own way.

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Macs Tip

There is no tip I can offer for this cake.

Chocolate Facts

In 1502, Columbus and his son, Ferdinand, were in the area, doing the usual conquering and such, when they came across a dugout canoe laden with supplies. They promptly captured it and ordered the natives to carry the loot on board their ship. In the process, somebody spilled some cacao, and the natives ran for the beans “as if an eye had fallen from their heads,” according to Ferdinand. Columbus could have been known as the first white guy to “discover” chocolate, but he blew his chance to make chocolate history by forgetting all about the incident.


  1. What an awesome cake, thanks for providing this link. Interesting to see some of the steps and I did notice the calendar in there, obviously this did take a lot of painstaking effort and time. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. Whoa!! It's a beautiful and amazing cake!


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